Algunas reflexiones sobre la narrativa de Espido Freire


  • Consuelo Barrera García Universidad Pública de Navarra


In only one year, 1999, the novelist Espido Freire published three novels which were acclaimed by readers and critics alike. She was even awarded the Premio Planeta for her novel entitled “Frozen peaches”. This study on her narrative constitutes an attempt to reflect on the similarities of the worlds depicted in her novels, of themes, motives and characters. In addition, it concentrates on the different techniques upon which the discourse of her novel “Where it is always October” is based.


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BELTRÁN ALMERÍA, Luis. Palabras Transparentes. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992

FREIRE, Espido. Irlanda. Barcelona: Planeta, 1998.

FREIRE , Espido. Donde siempre es octubre. Barcelona: Seix- Barral, 1999.

FREIRE , Espido. Melocotones helados. Barcelona: Planeta, 1999.

FREIRE , Espido. Primer amor. Madrid: Temas de hoy, 2000.

GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel. Cien años de soledad. Madrid: Cátedra, 1987.

ALAS, Leopoldo. La Regenta . Ed. J. Oleza. Madrid: Cátedra, 1989, 2 vols.

PÉREZ GALDÓS. Benito. Doña Perferta. Obras Completas. Madrid: Aguilar, 1970, vol. I

PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia. La Tribuna . Ed. de. Benito Varela Jácome. Madrid: Cátedra: 1986.

TACCA, Óscar. Las voces de la novela. Madrid: Gredos, 1985.



How to Cite

Barrera García, C. (2000). Algunas reflexiones sobre la narrativa de Espido Freire. Huarte De San Juan. Filología Y Didáctica De La Lengua, (5), 33–44. Retrieved from


