Tiempo, recuerdo, memoria y onirismo en "Lo raro es vivir"


  • Consuelo Barrera García Universidad Pública de Navarra


This study analyses, the latest novel by Carmen Martín Gaite "Lo raro es vivir”. The book tackles the narrator-protagonist’s psychological time. Recollections,memory and oneirism in such a way that it is impossible to define the limits of her true reality, her memories or her dreams. The characters are sketched well enough to frame their personality nature and their function in the novel and it especially focus on their problems.


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How to Cite

Barrera García, C. (1997). Tiempo, recuerdo, memoria y onirismo en "Lo raro es vivir". Huarte De San Juan. Filología Y Didáctica De La Lengua, (2-3), 5–17. Retrieved from http://revista-hsj-filologia.unavarra.es/article/view/3508


