Los hábitos de lectura y su relación con otras variables
Habits of reading, reading behaviour, fond of reading, readingAbstract
The present article has the aim of analyzing the habits of reading which were showed by students during a Navarra school random (cross-section example) which contains the different levels of our educative system: one hundred and seventy-four primary students, five hundred and thirty-six (compulsory) secondary students and three hundred and thirty-seven students of high school graduate, one thousand and forty-seven students from nine to seventeen years old, in all. All of them were provided in a collective way with a questionnaire about habits of reading, in their educative centres. Their fond of reading and their reading behaviour were the main variables analysed. Furthermore, it was evaluated other variables in order to know their relation with main variables: Watching television in a mode rare way, the encouragement of their parents and their teachers to read, the reading understanding and the oral understanding, their intellectual ability, the logical reasoning and the memory. The age and the sex of the participants were considered, too. After the statistical analyse, it was verified that the older the students are, the less habits of reading they have. Girls show more habits of reading than boys and it can be seen a correlation between the habits on reading and other variables: read understanding, watching television in a moderate way and the encouragement of the parents and teachers to read.
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