Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in Latvia: sociolinguistic aspects





La política lingüística; la enseñanza de E/LE; la actitud lingüística; el estatus; el sistema educativo


The study is based on the aspects of the language policy in Latvia in relation to the foreign language teaching, specifically, Spanish, in the public sector. The main objective is to draw attention to the problems related to the low presence of Spanish as a Foreign Language (S/FL) in this sector and its prospects for the future. The methods applied in the study are case study, survey, as well as the qualitative content analysis. The analysis of the current situation is based on the theory of language management of Bernard Spolsky (Spolsky, 2009). Changes in the language management can be expected when there is a change in the status of the Spanish language and, as a consequence, change in the attitude of language managers towards S/FL in the foreign language market in Latvia.


Keywords: language policy, S/FL teaching, linguistic attitude, status, educational system


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Revista Huarte de San Juan Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua



How to Cite

Placinska, A., & Liepa, Z. (2022). Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language in Latvia: sociolinguistic aspects . Huarte De San Juan. Filología Y Didáctica De La Lengua, (21), 205–226. https://doi.org/10.48035/rhsj-fd.21.9