Metalinguistic reflection and grammatical systematization of secondary school students in a didactic grammar sequence on habituality
didactic grammar sequences, metalinguistic awareness, interlinguistic contrast, grammar instruction and use, language learningAbstract
This study reports the results of the analysis of two groups of 1st of ESO students’ textual productions to examine to what extent metalinguistic awareness can improve language learning and written expression. The methodology we have used is qualitative and responds to action research. The productions analysed are of two types: drafts, revisions, and letters, in which the students use the grammatical elements under study; and summary documents and reports, in which they reflect on the grammatical elements they have used. The conclusions obtained enable us to affirm that the summary documents and the reports promote metalinguistic awareness and that understanding how language works is not always related to a mastery of metalanguage. These results also indicate that the contrast between languages favours their learning and that teachers play a fundamental role in the development of learners’ metalinguistic competence.
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